
Meet Dr. Freeman

Bishop Eric J. Freeman, PhD, is a community advocate, Christian bishop, and social impact strategist who serves as a bishop within the Christian Covenant Fellowship of Ministries (CCFM). As founder and Senior Pastor of The Meeting Place Church of Greater Columbia, he has guided the congregation into a 23-acre, 215,000-square-foot campus housing a banquet and conference center, a renal care facility, the NAACP South Carolina State Conference headquarters, and an eight-screen cineplex. Dr. Freeman established TMPC Nonprofit Holdings, Inc. and New Capernaum Life Services, directing tens of millions of dollars to transform underutilized spaces and securing more than $7.5 million for workforce training, health services, and empowerment programs.

Dr. Freeman holds degrees in Financial Management (University of Florida), Theological Ethics (Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary), and Social Ethics and Homiletics (PhD, Anderson University), and he also studied at Cornell University’s Executive Leadership Program. His doctoral dissertation underscores the inseparability of biblical theology and societal engagement. A life member and executive board member of the South Carolina District of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Dr. Freeman advises civic and faith-based organizations on social impact, policy, and civility initiatives at the local, state, and federal levels. He and his wife, Coleen, have two adult children.